Writing progress in the New Year
We’re nearly a month into the New Year already, so my commitment to blogging more frequently isn’t really going to plan.
The Isle of Man (home) has been back in lockdown for the previous three weeks, but we have light at the end of the tunnel and should return to business as usual, next week.
I certainly don’t say that to gloat, far from it, just a note of optimism that we will find our way out of this shitstorm at some point.
I’m moving along quite nicely on the latest book, The Crafternoon Sewcial Club, however, it’s slower progress than usual. I just checked, and I started this book on 5th November. I’m close on 39,000 words completed, so around the 500 words a day mark. Not ideal by any means, but steady progress all the same. This is an entirely new, standalone book, so the characters are new to me, which somewhat slows the process, getting to know them all.
Still, I’m having a lot of fun and this, in my humble opinion, is going to be a belter!
I’ve not been sitting on my hands, of late. Far from it. Since I started the book, I’ve worked on my new audiobook for The Bookshop by the Beach, which is now complete and should be out in the next few days. That’s quite an exhaustive process. I need to listen to an entire audiobook (this book is about twelve hours listening time) ensuring that the wonderful narrator hasn’t mispronounced a local place name, for instance. It takes a significant amount of my time, but I do so enjoy hearing a book I’ve written, coming to life through the dulcet tones of the talented voice actor.
Additionally, I’ve been working on the book cover for Crafternoon (draft below - final colours to be decided) as everything happens in stages. For example, I don’t want the book written, edited and ready for publication when I’ve not started the book cover. Writing a book is like baking a delicious cake, in that all parts need to come together around about the same time. As this is book number sixteen, I’ve got it down to a fine art…he says!
Anyway, I hope you’re all keeping well, looking out for each other and, for now, I’ll sign off.
